Car insurance is equally important like home insurance. And in some places car insurance is mandatory by law. So, Car insurance is first thing one should think of after buying or even before buying a car. But there should be lots of things to see first what are covered in a car insurance before you buy that.
Generally car insurance policy consists of two parts physical damages and liability. Liability is to prevent from another person suing for you assets in case of accident in medical. Liability is to make the situation easier in the case of accidents. There are group of several people in such kind of insurance who shares the distribution of loss among the insureds. Its better to have such company to prevent from such kind of situation. And obviously physical damage should be definitely covered. What I wanted to say here is not only the physical damage coverage, other things should also be taken care of before going for a insurance company. Don't just go for cheap car insurance, go for a good cheap car insurance.
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