Friday, November 30, 2007

What about HD Radio?

You may have heard about HD TV but what about HD radio? You may not have seen it yet. Here is something about HD radio. HD Radio technology is a technology which lets AM and FM radio stations to broadcast themselves digitally. Its a huge technological leap from the analog broadcasts of the past.

There are lots of advantage of it. FM stations will have very good CD quality sound while AM station will also improve their sound quality. Listeners will get a lot more channels to listen what they like. iPod dock with iTunes Tagging with iTunes Tagging enabled HD Radio receiver also let you tag the song you like and you can buy that song next time you sync your ipod to the computer. Then you can buy that song from Apples iTunes store.And the best thing is its free of charge. You will be paying no subscription costs, no plans and not even monthly bills. But remember one thing only the technology is free, you will have to buy HD Radio Receiver .

.Go to to find out more about HD radio and radio stations. You can easily browse plenty of HD radio stations. For example go to find station map and click on NE in the map to find New York High Definition Radio stations or your city from drop down button.

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